We aim to help people with chronic conditions to feel well again. Here are our beliefs:
- Hundreds of millions of people around the world suffer from chronic health conditions. Conditions like chronic pain, fatigue, mood disorders and functional disorders do not threaten life, but they do reduce quality of life.
- Doctors are understandably focussed on life-threatening conditions and these chronic disorders are usually a "diagnosis of exclusion" once more serious conditions have been ruled out. People with chronic conditions are often unsatisfied with the care they receive.
- Lifestyle changes are scientifically proven to improve quality of life for many of these chronic conditions. Mindfulness meditation for pain, HIIT workouts for anxiety, and so on.
- The barriers to people adopting these lifestyle changes are a lack of information and motivation.
- Feel Well provides both by creating daily activity plans designed for specific chronic conditions and tailored to the user's circumstances.